Rembert’s cohort helps pastors, associations serve urban communities

Dewayne Rembert said over the past few years, he’s gotten the same phone call several times. “They would say, ‘We really need a Flatline Church in our area,’” he said. […]
Gilbreath: Give invitations at the end of services with compassion, urgency

Sammy Gilbreath said if a pastor woke up on Sunday morning and God told him, “Today is going to be Joe’s last Sunday,” he bets the message and invitation “would […]
Evangelism leaders encourage passionate sharing of the gospel

“We’ve always had a goal of inspiration,” said Rob Jackson about “E3: Evangelize, Establish, Equip,” the state’s annual evangelism conference held at Lakeside Baptist Church in Birmingham on Jan. 26–27. […]
Gainey: Perspective shift can make disciple-making natural part of daily life

Mark Gainey said disciple-making would be simplified for many people if they could think of it as one daily act — moving the people around them one step closer to […]
Dowdy said he believes evangelism begins in heart of pastor

Tim Dowdy told attendees at the Alabama Baptist State Evangelism Conference that the key to church evangelism is the heart of the pastor. “A pastor once told me he was […]
Reavis says the Holy Spirit gives power for Kingdom work

Herb Reavis attended Moody Bible Institute and often saw a plaque there that read, “Near this place Dwight L. Moody knelt and asked God for a school.” “Moody wasn’t educated […]
Reach more in ’24 for Christ, urges Rob Jackson

If Alabama Baptists want to “reach more in ’24,” we need to do less talking, open our eyes to the lostness in our communities and “commence going,” said Rob Jackson, […]
Watkins challenges God’s people to be ‘rooted, grounded in the gospel’

If ever there was a time for God’s people to be rooted and grounded in the gospel, that time is now, said Daven Watkins. Watkins, pastor of First Baptist Church Pelham, […]
Trust God with the ‘unusual assignments,’ Calvert urges in evangelism conference sermon

God gives unusual assignments, but He is also trustworthy to provide what’s needed to get the job done. “God, who moves in a mysterious way, always leaves us scratching our […]
‘Assured by an empty tomb’: Resurrection is foundation for evangelism, Dew says

Jamie Dew said he never set out to be an academic, but a passion for evangelism changed the direction of his life. Speaking Jan. 28 at First Baptist Church Pelham […]