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2019 State Evangelism Conference

March 5, 2019

Roger Willmore said he will hit his knees a little differently in the mornings after hearing the last sermon of this year’s Alabama Baptist State Evangelism Conference.

The sermon, preached by Jeremy Morton, was an “arresting and sobering” message, said Willmore, director of missions for Calhoun Baptist Association.

“He preached on Mark 1 about the prayer life of Jesus and closed his sermon with powerful personal examples of how to develop the discipline of prayer,” Willmore said.

Refreshing time

After hearing them Willmore went home and printed out theologian John Stott’s morning prayer in order to have it close at hand in the mornings. And he said he will “never forget” Morton’s impassioned exhortation to “get up, get up, get up” and use the morning hours to pray.

“The conference was a time of refreshing for me,” Willmore said.

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