‘Revive’ senior adult evangelism conference held May 3
Allowing for the pews that were blocked off due to COVID-related safety concerns, it was a full house for the 2021 Revive Senior Adult Evangelism Conference, held at First Baptist

Running in a Storm
“But Jonah ran away from the Lord . . . Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose” (Jonah 1:3-4, NIV). It’s

Jailhouse Joy
Excerpt from a new book by Terry Long to be published this summer entitled When the Fire Falls: 10 Characteristics of Genuine Revival. Terry serves as a state missionary in the Evangelism

Opening Day and Easter Sunday
Early Wynn pitched 23 seasons in the majors. He said this about opening day: “An opener is not like any other game. There’s that little extra excitement, a faster beating

Darryl Strawberry – Sharing Hope Conference 2021
Transcript: All right. Thank you. Man, it’s so good to be here with you guys and get out of the cold St. Louis freezing cold snow, put on a pair

Mac Brunson – Sharing Hope Conference 2021
Transcript: Well, let me welcome you baptists to Valleydale Church. We’re glad you’re here. We’re honored to host the Alabama State Convention, or the Evangelistic Conference, I’m sorry. We’re glad